Old El Paso Fajita Kit Smoky Bbq Mild, 500g,0.00

Old El Paso Fajita Kit Smoky Bbq Mild, 500g

Brand: Old El Paso

4.8 (4)

* Old El Paso Smoky BBQ Fajita kit is a winner for the whole family, containing wraps, salsa and a seasoning mix. * The mild spice mix really is very mild, so the kit\'s ideal if your diners. * Old El Paso Kits are a great way to create the ultimate Mexican meal experience. * All Old El Paso Fajita Enchilada or Burrito Kits are quick and easy - each kit contains wraps salsa and a seasoning mix

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Shahnaz Shakeel

Pro reviewer

Verified Purchase review

Reviwed on 13th Jul, 2024 10:34 pm

Best for the entire family lunch or dinner. Wraps taste good with sauce

sayeda Nadia

Super Pro reviewer

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Reviwed on 4th Jul, 2023 1:53 pm

Very good and taste


Expert reviewer

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Reviwed on 25th Jun, 2023 8:20 am


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Reviwed on 22nd Jun, 2023 8:22 pm


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